This post is lenient cheerleading from online editor Sam van Zweden.

I feel guilty that I haven’t written more this month. I keep seeing posts from other NaNoWriMo writers who also feel guilty. We beat ourselves up for not quite reaching this utterly heroic and honestly pretty unlikely target. Today, on day 25, I’m sitting on just over 12,000 words. …So I’m a bit shit at NaNoWriMo, okay?

Let’s be real though. Have I parked myself at my desk to write more this month than I have in any other recent months? Absolutely. Have I got material that I intend to chase up in coming months? That too!

Don’t feel guilty – recognize your achievements, whatever they are, and keep plodding away to the finish line.

Speeding toward the end of the month now, I’m offering a handful of inspiring write-stuffs to keep you fighting the good fight. Spread them out: savour them. Take one of these as a breather each day until the end of the month.

-          This fantastic piece from Steph Brotchie over on the EWF blog, about a failed NaNo attempt.

-          Writing-themed lolcats. And this one, of course, is most appropriate for a WB audience.

-          Consider some of this organisational advice.

-          Pomodoro your way through! The theory goes that you can do anything for just 25 minutes. Breaking your day up into achievable chunks might just pull you across the line at this late stage.

-          Bastille wrote this song about poets, and it applies to any story.  “I have written you down / Now you will live forever”.
It’s important stuff, this story-writing. Don’t forget it.

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